Simply the finest, creamiest, yummiest caramels around.
All the butter and milk used in our Caramel comes from our very own breed of cows – “High Mountain Flat Back Cows.” This breed of cow is unique, because Rube, the Olde Goat, has trained them to sleep on their backs. As a result, when the Olde Goat goes to collect the dairy, the cream has already collected at the top – ready to be made into butter. Over the years Rube noticed that a healthy cow is a happy cow. As they do their daily exercises on Rube’s patented “Butter Churning Treadmill,” the cows now help Rube churn the cream into butter. Amazing!!! Unfortunately, the Olde Goat won’t let anyone photograph this spectacle so the patent stays secret.
Call (303) 569-2778 to order

Salted caramels are available in three varieties, sold in a assorted box of nine!
Sea Salt Varieties:
- Murray River for Australia
- Tri-Color Hawaiian (Black Lava Salt, Alaea Red Clay, and Bamboo)
- Chardonnay-Barrel Smoked

Vanilla Caramels!
Soft and smooth as velvet. Made and wrapped by hand with traditional old fashioned method.